Brahmavidya/Mano Yoga Sadhana
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Brahmavidya ( Mental Physics / Science of the soul )

1. Brahmavidya helps you to control your mind and purify your thoughts
2. Brahmavidya helps you to lead a disease free life.
3. Brahmavidya increases your memory power and brings u material success by increasing your will power.
4. Brahmavidya enhances your spiritual progress and connects you to the Supreme soul.
5. Brahmavidya will give you the gift of willful death and liberates you from the cycle of re-birth.

Brahmavidya is the ultimate knowledge a man can aspire for. Human birth is got after taking birth of 84 lakhs beings. Even Devatas ( Angels ) wish to be born as human beings to grow and gain knowledge in this science of the soul.

Alas , in these modern days human beings are so engrossed in the materialistic pursuits and the gratification of the senses that one misses a golden opportunity to really learn this science of the soul and know the real purpose of being born as a human being and is yet not been able to come out of the the chain of the birth and death. Brahmavidya ( Brahma = Creator , Vidya = Knowledge ) the knowledge of the creation and destruction was taught to many in the ancient days to help them lead a life of peace , happiness, contentment and invite death only at will. But today we all are so engrossed in our accumulation of this illusionary worldly pleasures which don’t come with us when we die , that we have not thought it fit to learn this knowledge of the self.

Those who do this practice are calm and can face life with confidence. They have immense moral, emotional and spiritual strength and can never get depressed. This was the path Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to adopt when Arjuna felt depressed to fight with his own kith and kin in the great Epic of Hinduism
“ Mahabharat” . One who does this Brahmavidya practice is a true yogi.

Human body is a mystery where many have not understood. This knowledge of Brahmavidya unfolds many secrets of this human body where even the science could not understand. The person who does this practice is a realized soul and he is liberated from the cycle of the birth and death and leads a life of pure bliss.

We are fortunate to have amidst us Sri Somanatha Maharishi who has done immense penance and developed a wonderful technique of this Brahmavidya to suit today’s hectic schedules and worldly responsibilities. Manoyoga ( meditation ) is a true form of Brahmavidya where in the practitioner can easily feel the wonderful effect of the practice within a short time and is helped much in good health and bliss.

What is Brahmavidya/ ManoYoga Sadhana (Meditation)? ManoYoga meditation combines the techniques of breathing exercises and meditation. It can help every individual to obtain good health, happiness, longevity and peace of mind. Sri Maharishi provides a scientific explanation of how this technique works to heal the body and cure various chronic diseases. Thousands of people all over the world are already reaping the benefits of this technique. Intense practice of this meditation has alleviated Diseases and health problems such as: Hypertension, Diabetes, Memory, Parkinson’s, Allergies and constant headaches, Arthritis, Obesity, weight loss, Loss of hair, Prostate gland and Impotency, And more...... Persistent practice of this technique speeds up the spiritual progress and makes the aspirant attain higher levels towards divine consciousness and spiritual liberation. This is a unique opportunity to make contact and learn directly from a world renowned spiritually realized Yogis Trained Teacher Sri Subrahmanyam on the internet .

Efforts are being made to use this internet to reach out to millions of people across the continents to bring this teaching to them to help them lead a disease free life and help them in their path of self realization. Practice of this takes the practitioner to unimaginable bliss and a truly purposeful life.

There are no restrictions either on the basis of religion, caste, color ,sex. Anyone can do this practice and attain good health and be liberated. It is our sincere desire that many people do this practice and save themselves from the miseries of life and get liberated and be a divine soul to help others experience the same.

May all beings be happy !!

Next Course Begins On
Introduction : 3 months duration 8 sessions of one hour each

Deekhsa : One week with 3 Sessions

Advance : One month with 6 Sessions

Teachers Training : One month with 4 sessions

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