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Experinces of Mano Yoga Practioners

Letter from Deanna Wooddy ( Memphis, USA ), hz813@aol.com
Jai Somanatha!!!I have been told
that these are a normal part of the "process" of the
Sadhana experience. That due to each of us being
individual, that these experiences or events during the
practice of the Sadhana will be a little different for
each person according to their situation, need and
karma. For me I did not expect any sort of
physical manifestation nor did I ask for any as a sign
that "something" was happening to me or for me to
"prove" to myself that the Sadhana was working in my
practice and within my practice of it. But these
experiences happened "anyway" on their own without me asking
or looking for them. Much like these experiences are
happening to yourself at this time. This means to
me that the Sadhana joined with my practice of it
and my faith in this path I have been led to; that I
will progress on my path to liberation and
enlightenment and be able to in the future help people around
meAnother amazing "side effect" of the
Sadhana is the returning of my health to me after having
experienced a devastating disease process diagnosis of
Behcet's Syndrome. This Syndrome apparently until recently
having been diagnosed because of an increase in
symptoms; has plagued me for years apparently. It got worse
to the point that I could not care for my family or
do my Buddhist practice and studies, as I had hoped
to. Then with the finding of this Sadhana and of
Swamiji; through Subrahmanyam who is my Internet Teacher -
I am symptom free. And I have not had an attack
since Nov. of 2001So many unexpected things.
So many blessings. I am amazed. I had in the past
put my faith in so many things to only find them to
be paper tigers and empty. Mere superstitions. My
Buddhist learning has released me from superstitions and
has taught me to question the truth in things around
me. So finding this Sadhana, finding Swamiji and then
testing the Sadhana and expecting nothing in return and
in essence testing the truths Swamiji has found -
has for me brought to me health and new confidence
and strength on my Path as a Buddhist. I can not say
why or how, but I know the Sadhana does work and
Swamiji has found the truths to help others in their
every day lives, karma and journey Before this
gets to long I will end it and comment later on a few
of my similar experiences during the Sadhana
process.Jai Om! Shanti Om!! Jai Somanatha!! Yeshe -

Alfonso Cassilas ( Mexico )
From: alfonso casillas
Date: Thu Feb 28 09:33:21 2002 (PST)
To: subrahmanyam@brahmavidya.tv
Subject: Hola

Hi Subbu: I would like that all the people take the advantge of a spiritual path, but as i told you before, to many the called to few the chosen one. In my self iI thank GOD I am on the way. Meditate the way you taught me is great. I am cleaning my self and learning how to help people, if they want, and i am feeling so joyful in a way i am not able to express. So I thank you and advice all the people would like to practice. This is one of the most great things had happen to me. GOD bless you all.



Maria Esther ( Argentina )
My name is María Esther, from Argentina. I'm 35 years old. (I have seen some other Spanish people too). I met Subbuji on net.... in a chat room about yoga I have been always looking for a way to reach knowledge, though I met many practices in the while... nothing seemed to fit me. Unbelievable too, I know Reiki... and that a high level,
Magnified Healing too... but nothing connects me.....I have been suffering from depression from a long time,
everyday getting worse. Turning now, as the doctors say into Panic attack and phobia. The risk also to commit suicide. Just cannot tolerate that. Went to see the doctor last week and gave me pills to keep me doped, just that.... and I don’t like that way of living... I want to clear my mind and start the way again for my inside growing.
I started the Sadhana, just only twice. All the things that Subbuji told me I would feel... I did...in spite of the medicine. The feeling was great... so sweet.... like a loving energy caressing......Also, it was easy to concentrate, and really the body feels tired. I needed the water too..... To resume..... It did worked..... not only the technique... but the change in my energy too.... I reduced the medication.... today I went to the doctor and he said I was better. The pain inside... the anguish... the crying..... stopped. And I think I can control my mind quite better... because that was the cause of my pain. As you can see.... I'm talk too much... so .... next time will tell you any other step in my experience.... I hope very soon it happens... Thank you all for your attention...and excuse if I made some mistakes in my English.
Jai Somanatha!!!

Vickneshwary Ramachandran ( Malaysia )

Namaste Swamiji,

Dear Swamiji,

I am Vickneswary from Malaysia. I would like to drop a few lines to you on how your enlightenment is helping me through my Guruji Bhogaraju Subrahmanyam.

Initially, while I was looking for a guru to guide me, I came across his profile and I began to converse with him. I was glad that I found a guru but I was not able to follow up with him due to some surrounding circumstances around here. Lately, I felt that God had showed me a path whereby this is what Iâm entitled to and somehow with your blessings I had enrolled in Subbujis class.

I honestly feel that hes blessed with the art of teaching this Mano Yoga Sadhana. Swamiji, although it has been a week since I started to practice, Iâm glad that your divine teachings is guiding me day to day. I have began to feel confident with myself and Im slowly beginning to feel at ease wherever I am. Iâm hoping that this Sadhana will also help me to overcome any unforeseen obstacles in the forthcoming tomorrows.

Swamiji, I would like to thank you for showing me this path and guiding me. I hope this practice of Mano Yoga Sadhana would spread worldwide so that it will bring blissfulness in everyones home.

Swamiji, my family and I seek and hope for your blessings upon us for today, tomorrow and the forthcoming years.

I will always have surpassing love and respect towards Swamiji and Guruji.

A Very Happy New Year To You Swamiji.

Your humble disciple,

Catherine Lim ( Singapore )
I am from Singapore and i learnt mano yoga from Subrahmanyam on the internet.I have found it helped me a lot in bringing inner peace and also improve a lot of my meditation.I seek your blessings

Catherine Lim


Umesh Tejpal ( from Pune, India )
I am from Pune India.I am a software proffessional and i met Subrahmanaymaji in yahoo chat.I learnt some meditation techniques from him on the net and I was so keen that he should come and teach me perosonally. He was kind enough to come and teach me personaly to me from Hyderabad. I am doing the Meditation and am greatly benefited in terms of Concentration and stress Managemenet. I offer my best wishes to Sri Subrahmanyam in his mission.


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