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Sri Swamiji was kind enough to place his divine feet in my humble home
On 14th of March 2002 Sri Somanatha Maharishi as kind enough to place his divine feet in my humble home and bless me and my family and also the mission of spreadng the Mano Yoga Sadhana through the internet.

Sri Somanatha Maharishi
Sri Somanatha Maharishi entering the home to bless the devotees and give prasad

Swamiji and Subrahmanyam
Swamiji giving prasadam ( blessed offering ) to Subrahmanyam

This is one of my favorite images
Sri Swamiji enetering the home of Subrahmanyam

Guru and his favourate disciple
Sri Somanatha Maharishi in the computer room in the home of Subrahmanayma after seeing the work being done on the internet.

People waiting for Darshan and prasad
Sisters,Brothers inlaw, Cousins, Neices and Nephews of Subrahmanayma having darshan of Swamiji and who took Prasad from his holy hands

Subrahmanayam Family with Swamiji
Wife Sheela , Rahul , Subrahmanyam, Bhavita and Sri Somanatha Maharishi

May all beings be Happy
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Jai Somanatha !!!! Jai Jai Somanatha !!!!